Saturday, March 21, 2009

Democracy – An opportunity in a blackhole

Democracy and development are highly related to building institutions in newly democratizing societies. It is evident that democratic attributes are superior to any other systems because of its maximized freedom, rationality and moral esteemed values. Under concepts of democracy, the ultimate goal of development is to build human capabilities, enlarge human choices and to create a safe and secure environment. Development means complex practice and is dependent on a wide array of political, social and cultural characteristics.

Characterized Description
There is no common and complete shape of democracy. The specific form that democracy takes in a country is largely determined by prevailing political, social, and economic conditions and it is significantly prone by Established customs, chronological backgrounds, and traditional cultures. These days, representative democracy in which people opt for their representatives to build political institutions is considered as the most popular type of democracy.

Democracy is the foundation toward freedom
Muhammad Irfan Basharat

Different Faces of Democracy
The changing definition and introducing complexities in the climax democracies are causing in democratic transitions. Different classifications are established in democracies like Liberal democracy, Electoral democracy and Advance democracy are also producing confusion among the societies. Today even the most advance sort of democracy in extremely progressed countries is not liberal but the label toward liberalism. Another face of democracy is forced democracy; which is imposed from strong, radical and belligerent nations toward week nations. This imposition of forced democracy is bearing the worst and alleging weak nations to compel and behave mockingly.

Opportunitytowards Classless Equality
Every system needs organization, organization indicates superior community and thus democratic system develops quality people. In the developed democracies, actors and institutions more or less understand the rules of democratic political system. However we have got different examples where development process is going fine even democracy is not there. Equality sound different to different frame of minds. Democratic equality never means fairness among a lot but a practice toward classless equality enigma.

Political Structure
There are many instances where the trappings of democracy have allowed unrepresentative elite to hijack power and promote its own interests and bypass the poor. The lack of strong commitment among the leaders of political institutions to reform legal, political, economic and Administrative institutions and their Hippocratic attitude toward democracy is basically responsible for the crisis of democratic transition. Most of the times the party in opposition invited the military intervention to make impact on democratization process. These political leaders are intolerant of each other and have strong commitments with terrorists and criminals. Democracy has in fact become an intermittent custom for the electorates manipulated by authorities, religious groups, money and media, without allowing superior participation to the people.

Political parties will have to build their program and organization and work out tactics so that their movement is not hijacked or corrupted by impersonators. Military marchers have their role in all sorts of democracies and one cannot deny the truth. Every nation either big or small follows simple verdicts from these backdoors giants.

Electoral Process
Election is indispensable part of democracy. The fundamental purpose of election is to ensure the representation of people, their desires, and aspirations in opting their representatives. There are different models of electoral system like Plurality, Majority and Proportional representation model. Look at the brief descriptive diagram.

Democracy can be studied as a system of development independent of other sectors like economic growth, social development and technological change. One must realize that for making things positive toward real democracy strong institutional structure is needed and for that firm commitment among the parties and the social structure is needed. The normal process of having firm commitments and decisions is only through discussion and consultations, which is not there in all political parties of the almost all countries.

Misconceptions Regarding Democracy
There are misleading misconceptions present in all varieties of people.

  1. Edging unreasonable freedom of thought, speech and sexual orientation means lack of democracy.
  2. There is no role of religion in democracy
  3. The Government will be open to both public investigations.
  4. The People will be liberal enough to openly debate national surreptitious matters.

Fabricate an Outcome
If a country tries to formulate democracy, the day by day practice will surely lead toward the better political institutions. By the development of political structure and the execution of accountability mechanisms will help in economy growth and of course the growing economy will certainly effect upon technological development.


  1. Decentralized Governance for Democracy, Peace, Development and Effective Service Delivery – United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs
  2. Democracy and Development: A Complex Relationship by Pranab Bardhan -
  3. Universityof California at Berkeley
  4. Electoral Systems Commission on Legislative Democracy
  5. Democracy, Capitalism and Development by Khandakar Elahi and Constantine P Danopoulos
  6. Equality and Democracy by Bo LI
  7. Democracy and Its Critiques by Dahl, Robert A – Yale University Press
  8. The Theory of Democracy Revisited, Sartori, Giovanni