Friday, April 3, 2009

Palestinian holocaust and Israeli crimes

Everything needs reason but every reason can never be allowed to treat as logic to perk tears from eyes. Humans have killed their fellows not for their survival but for acquiring wealth, lands and to destroy and recreate history. From the past two hundred years, every issue was and is blamed toward Muslims but interestingly each and every benefit bestowed toward non Muslims. Professors of peace and rationality have prepared roars and crimes. A single most significant point is that there is a single nation whose economy is getting prettier and it is getting more strength in terms of military day by day i.e. Israel. Please note that Israel is hiding behind USA and they both are producers and directors of the whole so called "Fear of terror" drama in this world.

Every nation indulged in war always found itself in the situation of disbelief after the war but my question is. Who's economy was/is getting prettier day by day even after fighting more and more wars and exploiting most issues. Who took the most benefits from these all wars. One can easily see an image of Israel in the dark shadow of USA. From past two centuries, MAFIA is involved in humanitarian crimes but no one here to blame it. It clearly signifies some hidden powers support for it. CIA was/is claimed as a killing and harassment making agent of USA – why not go for some rational body for investigating CIA's activities. MOSAD has killed thousand of people to establish and empower Israel. These criminals have very strong ties with each other. If there is some true state which is sponsoring terrorism to other states then it is no other then "ISRAEL". Please see under mentioned Palestinian holocaust video

See what Israel Airforce Soldier is saying about Israel war crimes

If their was no reason for Pearl Harbor then equally there is not a single valuable reason produced to justify events of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. If their was no reason for having 9/11 (Be aware of the fact that 9/11 drama was produced by Israel and directed by USA agencies) then equally there was no reason for attacking civilians in Afghanistan and Iraq. If a rape of a European girl is a crime then what about the stories of Thousands and Thousands of Muslim girls and women molested by Israeli soldiers, Indian forces in Kashmir, USA and allied forces in Iraq and occupied regions.

Oscar wild once said
The true hypocrite is the one who ceases to perceive his deception, the one who lies with sincerity

Every story, each event and all moments of previous century is rationally claiming toward the prosperity and pride of all nations other then Muslim world. Every Muslim country has smelt the fragrance of cruelty, disharmony and terror. If one need to find a true terrorist then there is no other then Israel. Which has gained all sort of gains by bestowing screams and tears to the whole world. At the end let me say one last thing.

One's dignity may be assaulted, vandalized and cruelly mocked, but cannot be taken away unless it is surrendered